Prayers for the week, May 5th, 2013

mdod-prayers of the week

This week, my friends, has seen some progression, at least in my eyes, in some of the Prayer Requests that we have had over the past several weeks.  By the way, this is the tenth week that we have been sharing our prayer requests and praises with you, and I thank each and every one of you that has taken a few moments out of your Sunday to read and pray over these requests.  It is the power of Prayer that allows us to accomplish anything that God puts upon us, so keep it up!  As always, don’t forget to include any prayer requests that you have!

Prayer Requests

  • My friend Shannan asks for this prayer request, please read and pray:Please add my town of Erin, TN. We got flooded again last night. Roads are washed out, people are out of homes, businesses flooded, retirement home evacuated, etc.Thanks!Lord, lift up your servants in Erin, Tennessee, as they battle the waters that invade their community. Lift them up, Lord, please keep them safe, and see to it that the community would rally around one another to help each other out in their time of need. It is in Jesus’ name we pray with Thanksgiving, Amen!
  • Please lift up my friend Bambi. She and her family have had to deal with a miscarriage in their life, so please pray for them in their time of grief and sorrow. I’m praying that God would give them His Peace, that loving Peace that only Jesus can provide, and that He would comfort them and give them strength in the days to come. Thank you all for doing this for my friend!
  • Please continue to pray for my nephew Shane and his wife Stephanie.  Shane left on April 30th for Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, and will be gone for 19 weeks as he also goes through AIT training.  Please pray for his safety during his training, that he not suffer any injury, and please pray for Stephanie, who is missing her husband and Soul Mate.  They are young, just starting life, and have only been married six months, so this is really hard on Stephanie in particular.  This will be a continuing prayer request until Shane and  Stephanie are reunited, so thank you for your prayers now and ongoing.  Thanks!
  • For any prayer requests that I haven’t had an update on, please continue to pray for them.  God knows all of the details even before we think or say them, so He will know what you are referring to even if you don’t remember every specific detail about them!  Please keep praying, never stop praying!
  • My Dreams of Disney reader Julia has an unspoken prayer request.  Please pray for her at this time!  Lord, you know the suffering that Your servant Julia is going through right now.  We do not need to know the details because we know that You know what is going on.  Please, Lord, lift up your servant, that she may experience Your Peaceful touch upon her, that she would have God’s Peace, Comfort, Strength, and whatever else she needs to see her through this time of tribulation!  It is in the name of your Son Jesus that we pray with Thanksgiving, today and every day!  Amen.
  • My Dreams of Disney reader Lisa has a prayer request.  Here is what she wrote:  “I’m looking for work and I’m also battling severe OCD at the moment. Any and all prayers appreciated!” Lord, please help Lisa with her job and OCD issues.  Thank you everyone for praying for her.
  • My Dreams of Disney reader Vickie also has a prayer request.  Here is what she wrote: “I have family issues. Physical, emotional, mental and legal. Your prayers are appreciated greatly.” Lord, please lift up Vickie as she battles these family issues.  Dealing with family is one of the hardest things sometimes, but God created families for a reason, and we need to remember that.  Lord, please give Vickie and Lisa your Peace and comfort to deal with what they are going through.  Amen.
  • Lastly, Jennifer, my friend and one of the My Dreams of Disney writers, wishes for us to pray — and praise God also — for the following things: “Absolutely! Brynn’s IEP is taken care of, and her sleep study came back almost normal–just not getting into the restorative sleep, so we’ve added some melatonin. Julia has almost made it through the school year and is thinking of home schooling next year, which would be wonderful! Leaving that decision to her, but secretly it’s what I want. Sawyer has learned to potty, making this the first time in seven years that I don’t have to deal with diapers! I do have a BIG reason for prayer related to his health, but I’d rather not go into details, as it’s private. Pray for the next 13 school days, for both the kids and their teachers. We’ve also got a ton of paperwork up in the air concerning Brynn’s health and the finances behind it, so pray for calming for the anxieties and that things would work out the way they are supposed to.”  Jennifer, we will pray for you for all the things you listed, and also give Him thanks for the things that are working out regarding Brynn!  We’ll also lift up you and your whole family to make sure that everything is taken care of.  Thanks for praying with us also, and may God shine His blessings upon you and your family!
  • Brittany is in need of prayers, my friends.  Please read what she wrote and lift up her and her family:“Please pray for me and my family my husband is an activity duty marine suffering from multiple problems both mentally and physically. We are currently separated and I am left with four children to care for and no real income to do so with. I pray god will find a way to keep a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs and that my husband can get the help he needs and we can someday be a family again.”


I mentioned at the top of the post that some of prayer requests are seeing some improvement, in particular I would like to focus on two incredible children…

  • Last week I mentioned that Kennedy, the beautiful daughter of my friend Amanda, had her surgery and came through it with flying colors.  She continues to improve, thanks to all of your prayers and God’s Healing power upon her!  Thank you Lord!
  • I also mentioned my friend, who’s nephew became a Daddy, but that the baby was born a month early, the baby’s mother was addicted to drugs, and so was the baby.  Well, that little bundle of love has progressed incredibly well, and he came home from the hospital on Thursday!  He’s still on medicine to get him off of his addiction, but he is doing incredibly well!  However, please continue to pray for the mother of this baby; I know that she has some issues, and her addiction to drugs will not end unless she acknowledges her problem and seeks help for it.  I pray that she would do that, and that she come to realize the life she has lost, and work towards being able to enter the life of that little one — when he is ready for her and she is complete once again.  If I were her, I would be racked with such feelings of guilt, it would be such a hard thing to even move from day to day!  So please keep her in your prayers.
  • My Dreams of Disney reader Laurie has some praises!  Here is what she said:  I HAVE MANY BLESSINGS, THANK YOU!!!. Just got 20 year old buttons and 4 collectible watches along with some rare pins. Bougth a van with 6 month insurance and tags for $2500/ thanks for the prayers
  • My Dreams of Disney reader Michelle also has some praises!  Here is what she said concerning her daughter:  Our daughter who was diagnosed with JIA at just shy of two years old received a great checkup this past week. Currently, there is no active arthritis in her little body! After having injections and losing knee tissue and cartilage due to the injections, she is doing great now for three years. Her eyes so far have not been affected either. We are most blessed!
  • My friend Donna from Disney Donna Kay (and a fellow Magical Blogorail Red team member with me!) shared with us that her son Eric is coming home from Afghanistan!  He was deployed there last fall, and his picture with his brand new baby was featured in my Veterans Day post on November 11th.  He is slated to leave Afghanistan on the 9th of May, and will be home within two weeks!  That is great news, indeed!


6 thoughts on “Prayers for the week, May 5th, 2013

  1. Well, almost one week down for Stephanie and Shane so that is a praise. I also have a friend who is coming home from Afghanistan and will see his daughter for the first time! Of course there have been Skypes and pictures, etc. but Corey and Lauren will be together with baby Cadence this week.
    We do have an appointment tomorrow with the judge in Jim’s disability case, so prayers for peace will be greatly appreciated.
    I officially graduated even though I still have one class to finish and another to take, but praying for God to open doors as He sees fit and bless me with my own classroom if that is what I am able to do.
    Love to all of you!


    • Hey Robin!

      Congratulations on graduation! Steph and Shane are a constant prayer request until he gets home from Basic and Steph feels better. I’m glad your friend is coming home from Afghanistan — please thank him for us for his service to his country!

      I will pray for your appointment tomorrow with the judge, I didn’t know there was a case pending or we would have been praying longer for that.

      God is so Good! He is already using you in the lives of those special souls that you are reaching out to now, and He will continue to do so, regardless of the path that He takes you on! When the day comes, hopefully many years down the road, that God calls you home, He will have a special Crown to give you for your service to His children!

      I love you too,



  2. Please pray for my cousin Barb’s husband Tim, who has been diagnosed with cancer. He is undergoing treatment right now, please pray for his health, of course, but also pray for peace, his comfort, and the strength to get through this. Also pray for Barb and their son Jason, who is about to graduate from high school and very likely is going through some stresses because of this double whammy of school and the health of his Dad. Please pray for God’s Peace to descend upon all of them so that they can see the joy that will be created when Tim is recovered from this illness!

    Thanks everyone!


  3. I also want to lift up my friend Kris, who is a reader on the site! Kris is raising money for March of Dimes for their walk. During the fundraising period, Kris had to have some surgery, so she hasn’t made her goal yet, but she is still going to do the walk, even if she is in a wheelchair! The deadline for raising funds is tomorrow, but more then raising funds, please pray for Kris’ recovery from her surgery, as well as lifting praise to God for this wonderful cause that she is participating in. If you want to donate, you can still do so at this link:

    Thanks! God Bless You, Kris!


  4. Please pray for my wife’s co-worker Virginia. Virginia’s mom was just diagnosed with lung cancer, and they don’t know how extensive it is. Virginia also recently lost her mother-in-law, so please lift up her mom with healing prayers, and pray for the whole family to experience God’s Peace and comfort in their lives so they will have the strength to fight this disease. Also pray for their salvation, that they know Jesus if they don’t know Him already.

    Thanks everyone!


  5. Lottie, the creator of the Crunchy Disney Ma blog, is asking for some very special prayer requests! Here is what she wrote:

    Prayer requests?!?! AWESOME! Add me. Prayers for a happy, healthy pregnancy and smooth delivery of an adorable baby are always welcome.

    Congratulations, Lottie, on your pregnancy and the upcoming birth of your baby! We’ll be praying for your and your baby’s health, as well as your comfort during the pregnancy, and that, if anything worries you, you would let God’s Peace descend upon you to put you at ease! Keep us posted, please, so we can celebrate with you!


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